missions at calvary Fellowship
Each October, Calvary Fellowship makes pledges for the following year to give above and beyond its budget to our missions partners around the world. Our church recognizes that, while we all may not be able to go, we can each do our part in supporting the advancing of the Gospel around the world.
Who we support
We partner with ten different families originally from Missouri, or who have strong ties to Missouri, who minister around the world. These career missionaries are working through Free Will Baptist International Missions and Free Will Baptist North American Ministries. They have dedicated their lives to the furthering of the Gospel, and we stand faithfully behind them. They are ministering internationally in Bulgaria, Japan, and Spain. In the United States, they minister in Pennsylvania and Hawaii.
Mountain Faith Mission of Haiti has been our partner since 2011, as we have served in its churches and children’s home each year. Each May, our church has the opportunity to go and serve in Haiti.
Each summer, our 7th-12th grade students have the opportunity to serve on a summer missions trip. They have served at church plants in Colorado, Tennessee, Texas, and Louisiana.

Local Partnership
In 2015, Calvary Fellowship began to partner with St. Louis-based Oasis International, which serves refugees. The ministry seeks to meet the needs of those who have been displaced throughout the world and who have moved to St. Louis.